- IHM - Serices and knowledge transfer in the field of clutural and natural heritage

Branitz Park
Project duration: 2012 and 2020
Branitz Park was added to the list of monuments of the state of Brandenburg in 1952 as an individual monument and in 2000 as the Branitz Park Landscape Monument Area. There are also efforts to have it recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage property. In 2012, the IHM was therefore commissioned to adequately frame a possible outstanding universal value of Branitz Park in the sense of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention and to write an application for inclusion on the German UNESCO Tentative List. This application was submitted in 2017 by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg (MWFK) as part of an upstream process to assess the chances of an application for a UNESCO World Heritage title. As part of this process, the IHM outlined the historical development of the garden and park and categorized it in terms of its cultural significance. The elements of heritage significance (e.g. the English landscape garden) were initially assessed in terms of their authenticity and their state of conservation was recorded. Historic sightlines were named and their potential endangerment identified.
In 2020, the IHM additionally carried out a preliminary study on the possibilities of including Branitz Park and Prince Pückler's garden-theoretical work in the World Heritage initiative of the Lusatian post-open cast mining landscape. In this context, in-depth analyses of existing planning documents were carried out and the significance of the historical developments for surrounding landscape designs was addressed.